
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Books in March

We recently hit up our local library for some new-to-us books to read. At first I checked out some best sellers but couldn't get into any of them and chose not to spend my time reading things I really didn't have any interest in. So I returned them and chose to pursue the autobiography route again since I had such success with that last summer. This time I went with two books by one of my favorite people-- "The Pioneer Woman," Ree Drummond.  

I knew she had some children's books and at least one other novel, along with several cookbooks (of which I have two or three).  I had never read her novel, so I set out to rent it and was delightfully surprised to find out that she had written a second autobiography in 2020! I checked out both of her books and loved both of them!

The first one I read was "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" and it's about her journey from city-dweller to wife of a cowboy. It's her real life love story and it was so cute. The story begins when she met her husband, and carries through her first year of marriage.  I loved every part of it. She's such a great story teller. 

The second book was "Frontier Follies: Adventures in Marriage and Motherhood in the Middle of Nowhere." This one is a collection of essays and memories from her college years all the way through the pandemic. It had me laughing out loud more times than I could count! 

I'd totally read both of these again and I might even buy them for myself one day because I liked them so much. I highly recommend both of these books. They're easy reads and can be read in little snippets of time here & there (which is all I could afford these last couple weeks!).

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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