Sunday, March 21, 2021

Books in March

We recently hit up our local library for some new-to-us books to read. At first I checked out some best sellers but couldn't get into any of them and chose not to spend my time reading things I really didn't have any interest in. So I returned them and chose to pursue the autobiography route again since I had such success with that last summer. This time I went with two books by one of my favorite people-- "The Pioneer Woman," Ree Drummond.  

I knew she had some children's books and at least one other novel, along with several cookbooks (of which I have two or three).  I had never read her novel, so I set out to rent it and was delightfully surprised to find out that she had written a second autobiography in 2020! I checked out both of her books and loved both of them!

The first one I read was "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" and it's about her journey from city-dweller to wife of a cowboy. It's her real life love story and it was so cute. The story begins when she met her husband, and carries through her first year of marriage.  I loved every part of it. She's such a great story teller. 

The second book was "Frontier Follies: Adventures in Marriage and Motherhood in the Middle of Nowhere." This one is a collection of essays and memories from her college years all the way through the pandemic. It had me laughing out loud more times than I could count! 

I'd totally read both of these again and I might even buy them for myself one day because I liked them so much. I highly recommend both of these books. They're easy reads and can be read in little snippets of time here & there (which is all I could afford these last couple weeks!).

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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