Sunday, March 21, 2021

Photo Compilation

We're zooming towards Spring Break & once we get to that point, I'll feel as if I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel that has been this school year. We have to get through the rest of this week, and two virtual days in the following week before we can officially be on break. I. Am. Ready. To help pass the time, here's an assortment of photos taken over the last month or so. 

The vase used to be in my Nana's house but she gave it to me and I've always loved the style of it. For now, I've situated it on my mantle for safety from little hands. The heart artwork was the Spring craft at a ladies craft night at church before Valentine's Day. 

Avery wanted microwave popcorn for an evening snack & was elated to watch the process from a stool. 

She loves taking my phone and leaving me photographic treasures like this one. 

After the boys & I get home each day, we go pick up Avery and usually enjoy a few minutes outside before heading back home. 

One of her main goals in life is to reach the pull down cords from the ceiling fan. She was hoping the extra height would help her on this day. 

Last week, we ended up in the bathroom for a couple of tornado warnings. After we emerged from the afternoon stint, Avery cured her pent up boredom by becoming a dinosaur. 

Noah cured his boredom by making a cowboy hat out of 5 other hats. 

Later that evening, we ended up in the bathroom again. The boys entertained themselves by looking through some yearbooks. 

Avery was already asleep and blessedly stayed asleep allowing me the chance to cuddle and hold her like a baby once more. 

When I went to pick her up one afternoon, she was displaying her newfound skill of pumping her own legs on the swingset!

Last night, the kids had a "workout contest" which consisted of seeing who could hold a bridge position for the longest amount of time. 

These are the days. :)

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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