Thursday, May 13, 2021

Birthday Weekend Recap

 My birthday was on a Sunday this year and a few weeks prior, my mother-in-law offered to keep the kids on Saturday night.  The kids love to have sleepovers, so they were pumped & so was I! Aaron had to work that Saturday morning and I figured the kids would get picked up mid-afternoon. However, Aaron ended up getting off around 10:00am and the kids were picked up around 10:30! That meant that Aaron & I could begin our day together with lunch!

We chose to try out a local Cajun restaurant that we hadn't been to in years. We knew we'd take the food home but it was fun to pop in the restaurant to choose our items. We'll be going back in the summer to eat indoors for sure. We each chose to get a split entree plate where we get two choices and they're half portions.  Aaron ordered red beans & rice and crawfish etoufe. I ordered pork in a red wine cream sauce & shrimp crema. Both of our meals came with sides. We chose Cajun potato salad as one side. My other side was green beans. We also got two cornbread muffins. This lunch was so delicious!

Afterwards, we watched an episode of Top Chef then I got to take an hour long nap while he played computer games. I asked him to wake me after an hour because I didn't want to waste my day! After my nap we got ready & headed into town. We browsed in a couple stores, then got sushi for dinner. We walked around a couple more stores afterwards and Aaron bought me replacement cubic zirconia earrings to replace the one that broke on Easter, then headed home. We watched more Top Chef, played Sequence, and Aaron made my favorite coconut rice pudding. 

Before church the next morning, he made me an omelet & I got to drink my coffee while it was still hot. We met the kiddos at church & they each surprised me with a canvas art of their hand prints! I had a fantastic frozen pizza for lunch (it's Walmart's Great Value chicken bacon ranch stuffed crust pizza and it's SO GOOD!). 

That evening, we went to my parents' house for dinner. My parents always let us choose what we want to have on our birthdays (even as adults!) so I chose oven roasted BBQ chicken over rice, 7 layer salad, and peanut butter pie. My mom took the kids shopping on Saturday morning before their sleepover. She let them each pick a gift. Michael chose a polka dotted coffee mug that says "Choose Happy." Noah chose fluffy Leopard print flip flop slippers. Avery chose a bronze cat ear headband tiara. Such fun personalities! They also got me a bouquet of flowers because they know I love pink!

My parents gave me some fun gifts including swim shorts, a foldable wagon for the beach, some wooden salad tongs, and some new fun jewelry! 

It was a truly perfect weekend! 

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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