Friday, April 30, 2021

33 Things

 My birthday was last week on Sunday.  I turned 33 and although I always think it'll be weird to be a new age, it's really not. I enjoyed a nice day with Aaron on Saturday while the kids had a sleepover with one of their grandmas.  We had so much fun!  On Sunday, the kids gave me their gifts right after church and we ate dinner at my parents' house in the evening (it was so good!).  Since I've been super bogged down this week with lesson plans and required school modules, etc., I haven't had much time to blog.  I figured I'd close out the month of April with a random selection of 33 things now that I'm 33.  Stay tuned for a recap of the fun that Aaron and I had on our day together!

  1. I love quirky and/or sentimental coffee cups.  I have a whole wall devoted to these. 
  2. My favorite colors are blush pink and light mint green. 
  3. I detest writing with a pencil. 
  4. My favorite dessert to make is classic Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies. 
  5. My favorite thing for Aaron to cook is Asian food (and he's a pro!).  
  6. I do not mind folding laundry but it's such a task to actually put it away. 
  7. I'm teaching myself how to play the violin.  Aaron bought me a violin for Christmas and I'm working my way through learning the finger positions and slowly finding YouTube tutorials. 
  8. I love the Auburn Tigers and jump at any opportunity where I can go to Auburn (city and campus). 
  9. I love reading with my kids. 
  10. I really enjoy any chance that I get to hang out with my brothers.  My younger brother and I got to hang out together on Wednesday evening of this week and it was such fun!
  11. I prefer wearing my hair down rather than up (I guess Avery comes by it honestly). 
  12. I only have one earring hole in each ear.
  13. I shop in stores like I shop online (by adding things to my cart and then slowly returning them and deciding I didn't need that impulse purchase). 
  14.  I love sending things in the mail to people!  And I love getting mail.  One of my best friends sent me some daisies for my birthday and that was such a sweet fun surprise!
  15. I constantly put myself under pressure at school and feel super stressed until I get ahead. (This is why I haven't been able to give myself enough freedom to write many posts lately). 
  16. I do not wear high-heel shoes.  I'm most comfortable in just flats. 
  17. My favorite things to read are books that leave me feeling happy and upbeat.  (These can include fiction or nonfiction books or autobiographies).  I don't mind the occasional thriller, but it's certainly not what I want to read all the time. 
  18. I enjoy watching serious competition shows like Top Chef.  
  19. One of my favorite evening snacks is Late July "Sea Salt by the Seashore" chips with jalapeno queso from Costco.  So good!
  20. I enjoy doing puzzles but I know my children aren't quite old enough to allow us to keep a puzzle out on a table in our home yet. :)
  21. I enjoy fresh flowers but I hardly ever buy them for myself because I feel like it's a waste. 
  22. I enjoy chocolate desserts much more than fruit desserts. 
  23. I purposely wear most of my clothes a size bigger than I am because I don't like being constricted. 
  24. My favorite snack chips are nacho cheese Doritos (or Classic Lays, but only in a turkey sandwich!). 
  25. I prefer Golden Oreo Thins to regular chocolate Oreos. 
  26. For most of this school year, my standard breakfast has been a few Mary B's Biscuit Thins (they come frozen and I just toss 2 or 3 onto a cookie sheet in the morning and bake for 13 minutes at 375. They're very small-- hence the multiple biscuits.)  This breakfast keeps me full til lunchtime which is nice since I don't always have time for a snack and I don't always bring a snack to work. 
  27. I drink two cups of black coffee every morning. 
  28. The rest of the day I drink water (sometimes flavored with sugar-free flavoring liquid). 
  29. I like playing board games but prefer card games. 
  30. My relationship with my husband and my children are hands-down my greatest blessings from God. 
  31. I enjoy being a mother so very very much. 
  32. Aaron is my absolute best friend and I love spending time with him. 
  33. I'm really close with my parents and always feel at home when I'm at their house and hanging out with them. 

I hope you've enjoyed this random assortment of things!  Here's to 33!

Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

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