
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Avery is 5!

Today our sweet Avery girl turns 5! These five years totally flew by! Having my youngest kiddo be five sounds so old! She's excited to be a "whole hand"!

Today we're throwing a unicorn themed birthday in her honor and I'll post a recap of it afterwards. She helped decorate her cake last night, and yes, I let her use the whole container of sprinkles. I figured she might not want a unicorn party next year so we might as well use all the unicorn sprinkles for this cake. She loved doing this! 


You are spunky and sweet! You LOVE to dance-- whether that be on your own around the house & my classroom or if it means at the dance studio during dance class. A couple weeks ago, you began kindergarten and you are loving it! You've adapted so well to school and you're excited to go everyday. You can write your name now and I know you will be reading before we know it! 

Your favorite colors are pink & purple. You love unicorns and mermaids. You are SO loving to dogs. You love looking at books & singing along with songs. You like funny movies with your brothers but will watch Barbie in a heartbeat if you're on your own. 

You love playing with dolls (baby dolls, Barbies, figurines). You love makeup and hairstyling and all the girly things. Plastic gems make you very happy! You're in two dance classes & it's our first time being on a competition team. I'm sure we'll learn lots! 

You are an awesome encourager & I hope this trait continues throughout your life. The world needs who you are. 

I'm so beyond grateful that God blessed us with you! We needed a little girl in our life!

We love you! Love, Mom & Dad

*party recap to follow!

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