
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Nighttime Beauty Routine

I'm not even going to pretend that this is a long-standing routine. About a week ago, I started seeing these video clips of celebrity nighttime beauty routines pop up on my computer at the top of articles. I only watched one of them all the way through, and although I have none of the supplies they use, I thought it was a smart idea to have an actual routine that signified "going to bed" and that I should take better care of my skin. 

So without further amblings, here's my routine. 

-brush teeth 


-wash off my makeup with a Makeup Eraser.  I was buying lots of lots of make-up removing wipes and would struggle to fully remove my make-up with a washcloth if I ran out of wipes, so I'm very happy with this make-up remover since it only uses water to get off all make-up! Every few days I'll put it in a lingerie bag and throw it in the washing machine with a regular load of clothes.  It launders really well. One side is to remove make-up and one side is to exfoliate.  To be honest, I'm pretty sure I used it incorrectly for the first three months, and I had to look up which side is supposed to do what.  Even today, though, I really can't tell much of a difference between sides. But regardless of that, I use hot water to get the eraser cloth wet, then I use one side to fully remove my make up, rinse the eraser, then use the other side and wipe it all over my face for whatever exfoliating benefit it's supposed to provide. I found mine at a local boutique (it's the mini version), but here's a similar one

I recently bought this face wash bar for Michael, but decided I'd try it out from time to time as well.  I don't use it every night, but I might choose to incorporate it more as I decide whether I like how it works.  So far, it's gentle and has a nice light scent.  When I wash my face with this, I use cold water. 

Traditionally, I do not do a good job of moisturizing, so I decided I really wanted to do better about that. To really lock in moisture after washing my face, I'll apply a little bit of this tarte Drink of H2O.  I love that it's a gel-like consistency and it absorbs really well. 

I use just a small amount for my whole face & neck. 

Today, I felt like I needed a little spot treatment assistance, so I pulled out my Mario Badescu drying lotion and applied where I needed. 

Several months ago, I saw a blogger use the Colleen Rothschild cleansing balm on her heels overnight. I tried it out and was impressed with how soft my feet were, but I didn't do it again. I decided to start doing this as part of the nighttime routine to help soften my heels with more consistency. After I rub this on both heels, I put on a pair of socks to hold in the moisture for a few hours or all the way overnight. 

I love to use this lotion on my legs after shaving, and sometimes I'll put some on just because it smells great and really moisturizes well. 

After all of that, I'm ready to relax!

One final step is to put on some lip gloss before bed.  I like this kind because it's not sticky at all. Apparently, it's Berry flavored, but I don't think it smells nor tastes like anything. After it's finished, I'll probably just put a good quality tube of lip gloss or chapstick-esque product by my bed. Although I love that this one is not sticky, I'm not sure it's worth the price tag. 

Going through these steps has helped me wind down in the evenings and feel better about how I'm treating my skin. 

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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