
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Friday, January 12, 2024

AU Basketball Game

At the beginning of the month, my parents treated me & my younger brother to an Auburn basketball game! My parents have attended a few games early in the season, and they wanted to take us to the last non-conference game. Auburn is really good and the conference games are steadily sold out (and expensive!) so this would be a great game for us to go to before the SEC games started. 

It was so much fun! 

It was a late start (8:00 pm) and I was worried that I'd have trouble staying awake but I made it! On our way to the game, we stopped for dinner at Momma Goldberg's. I ordered a pastrami sandwich (which I've never had from there) and although it was good, I'd stick to the Momma's Love or chicken breast sandwich next time. 

We parked in the parking lot of a new dorm. Campus has changed so much that I don't really know where the dorm was in relation to other buildings (it was dark) but it was a super easy spot to get in and out of. Most students still hadn't returned from Christmas break so parking was ample. 

Getting into the arena was easy. It was so nice, bright, and clean in there! We found our seats easily and then saw where my older brother & his 2 sons were sitting. On the way to go visit them at their seats, we saw my mom's friend who was able to take a picture of our group! 

We returned to our seats before game time & thoroughly enjoyed the game and the fellowship! My mom was so kind and explained things about the sport and players as we watched. I truly enjoyed my experience and was so grateful for the opportunity to attend a game! I've kept up with Auburn highlights as they've begun their conference games. Hopefully next season, Aaron & I can take our kids to a non conference game. War Eagle!

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

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