
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Monday, January 1, 2024

Hello 2024!

Happy New Year! We didn't stay up to ring it in, but I'm happy for a fresh beginning and all the joys 2024 will hold. 

Fireworks started around 7pm in our area, and I was surprised we could hear them way out in the county. Our dogs were less than thrilled, and our escapee master, Stormy, escaped their outdoor pen (which she hasn't done in months!). I heard her at the front door as Aaron and I were watching Psych, so we had to figure out how to secure their pen to last through the night. In the cold darkness, Aaron made an adjustment to the pen gate, but Stormy promptly broke through it minutes after we got back inside. So they ended up in a large crate in the garage overnight to be away from the sounds of the fireworks & the threat of running away. Today we'll venture out and procure the material to create an actual gate to the pen instead of the temporary one we've had in place for a while. 

On Saturday, I got on a clearing/decluttering spree. I made some progress but would like to continue that today while I'm off. The kids' rooms will be the focus of much of the spree, as well as our board game storage situation. 

I don't think any of us are ready for full return to our normal routines. The kids go back to school later this week, but I'm pretty sure they'd be on board with homeschooling if I could find a way to make it work with my job. I'd appreciate prayers on that topic for sure. 

I hope you have a fantastic first day of the year! Enjoy the moments, the slow mundane ones and the super fast ones. They're all part of what makes up our lives. Praying blessings on you this new year! Happy 2024!

Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

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