
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tidbit Tuesday

If you want to order an iced coffee at Starbucks, just order your regular coffee as hot, and then order a cup of ice. You can then pour your hot coffee over the ice and you'll get your iced coffee. The benefit of this is that there's pretty much two full iced coffee servings in one regular cup of hot coffee. So you're basically giving yourself two ice coffees when you pay for one hot coffee and pour it over ice yourself.  I hardly ever order iced coffees, but I saw a girl in my Bible study do this last January at Starbucks.  So I tried it out yesterday and it was great!  The barista gave me a grande size cup filled with ice and a lid, and even asked if I wanted a straw.  Score!

If there's ever a wasp or a bee or yellow jacket in your house and it's either too scary for you to catch or too high up on a wall or ceiling, you can take your vacuum cleaner hose and suck it up in the hose. I've actually done this a few times, and it's been pretty successful. In college my roommate and I were terrified to kill a wasp, so we sucked it up in our vacuum hose and as soon as we sucked it up in the hose, we also sucked up some flour to guarantee that the wasp would to stay down the hose. I don't think sucking up flour is necessary but it made us feel better.

You can probably conclude that I have done both of these things yesterday. And you'd be right.

My drink of choice is the Salted Caramel Mocha. Usually I drink it hot, but felt like having it over ice as a treat to  myself for getting through my dentist appointment (more on that later). 

And as I was washing pump parts, I saw this weird flying bug (not a wasp but similar) on my kitchen window and I quickly grabbed the vacuum. Worked like a charm and I was able to return to singing Lady Gaga's "Million Reasons" as I rinsed the pump parts. :)

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

1 comment:

  1. Genius ice coffee idea! Truly so simple but it never occurred to me. I've been brewing two cups of coffee in the morning and putting one in the fridge for an afternoon iced coffee treat.
