
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Trim Up the Tree

This year I'm choosing to take a semi-minimalist approach to Christmas decorations.  This is partly because in the back of my mind I know that the more things I take out, the more things I'll have to put away at the end of the month.  I curated all of the decorations that I wanted to display so that I know what is actually out for us to see is what I felt like we could benefit from the most this season.  The rest of my decorations are tucked away safely in the storage bins (which, until the end of the month, I actually stored in my hallway bathtub since my kids use my garden tub for their baths).

First off-- our living room tree corner.  This year we put our tree back in its usual corner position next to the fire place.  In years past, we have moved the yellow chair between the tree and the fire place, but this year we chose to scoot the yellow chair closer to the couch so that the tree could be closer to the mantle.  I really like how it came out and it's nice to feel extra cozy while Aaron sits in the yellow chair most evenings and I'm on the couch!

Our mantle includes the kiddos' stockings (all from Pottery Barn-- watch for sales!) and a wool ball garland (Etsy) and monogram wooden letters (Target Dollar Spot this fall).  The stockings are held in place with Command hooks which also hold the garland and letters.  Previously, I used metal J-O-Y stocking holders, but they're so super heavy that I was afraid Avery might pull one down on herself or a brother, so I opted just to hang stockings from the Command hooks this year while she's still so young and unpredictable. On the mantle, I have my Fontanini nativity set.  I hope to add another shepherd this year.  I have scattered around some bottle brush trees (Target Dollar Spot, last Christmas) and I added a strand of warm white Christmas battery-operated lights this year.  Avery spotted a blush colored bottle brush tree for half off at Hobby Lobby this weekend, so I indulged her and the tree came home with us.  After her two year old hands molded it into a version of a tree from Whoville, it's now resting neatly beside our Christmas lyric print.  On this day, Q.E. (our Elf) was scouting from the mantle.

In the dining room, I have a kitchen cart set up with two smaller trees.  I added some tiny ornaments, as well as some vehicle-themed ornaments (and some random small Pokemon characters) to create a kid's tree scene.  One strand of colored battery-operated Christmas lights easily covers both trees.  I strung up a battery operated globe light strand (Target Dollar Spot a few years ago) along my picture frame window, and I'll continually add in some Christmas artwork that the kids do this month.

I have my most beloved placemats out-- my Nana sewed these as a "First Home" present for Aaron and me almost 10 years ago.  Noah's Grinch coloring page is on display (crinkles added by Avery).  The wreath in the window is hand prints from the boys from several years ago.  My mother-in-law made the wreath as a Christmas gift to me. I love pulling it out to display each year!

In the kitchen, my favorite Christmas dishtowel is at the ready.  Aaron and I bought this after Christmas last year and I love it so so much.  I just bought two new dishtowels this week that I'm washing before using, so I'll show you those after they're laundered.  I forgot to take a picture of my Christmas wreath, but it is happily adorning my laundry room door in my kitchen.

In the eat-in area of the kitchen, we have our shoe bench and I like to hang a seasonal wreath in the window overlooking our side yard.  This wreath is one that Noah's daycare teacher made when he was in daycare for a super short amount of time when he was just barely one year old.

In the foyer, I have a wall-hanging that belonged to my mom.  I remember loving that wall-hanging when I was a little girl and it's so fun to see my boys look at it now and imagine that the little character in the picture is them or their sister.

And of course, I have a few festive kids around.  On this day, Noah was watching Frosty and testing out a new Santa hat that he'll get to wear to school in about a week or so.

What's your favorite Christmas decoration to display?  Do you add new pieces each year? 

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

1 comment:

  1. I love all your kid craft decorations. So sentimental to treasure through the years.
