
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Friday, January 1, 2021

2021... So Far

Although 2021 rolled in fairly unannounced since we live in a rural area with few fireworks (assisted by the addition of heavy rain at midnight), I'm not upset by this at all.  The kids didn't even ask if they could stay up late or anything. We all said Happy New Year's Eve before tucking them in, and we talked about how we'd wake up to a new day, a new month, and a new year. 

Avery led the 2021 awakenings at 6:21 (which is sleeping in!) and then also woke up her brothers (oops). Because it was still raining, it made for a nice, slow morning. We went to Aaron's mom's house around noon to steam some clams her family overnighted from Washington state. The boys liked them this time around. After we returned home, Avery & I took a nap in her room which is the darkest room in the house and makes for a great nap spot. I did some lesson planning when I woke, and Aaron cooked a fantastic Hungarian chicken and rice dish for dinner. 

I am hoping for cooler temperatures soon. We spent December in the 40s most of the time, but we welcomed in January with 70s today. This is annoying to me. :)

We ended our evening by playing Dos (a variant of Uno) and are about to tuck the kids in bed. 

Aaron & I plan to watch some episodes of Top Gear (the old original episodes with the hosts of the current series Grand Tour) on Amazon Prime. Tip: if you're going to watch the series, stick with the "specials." 

Welcome, 2021. Here's hoping the year is smoother and less scary than 2020. 

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

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