
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Noah is 7!

Noah woke up today as a 7 year old! He's spunky and sweet with an easy smile. He's doing a fantastic job being a first grader especially a virtual one! He loves to play outside & can also easily entertain himself with toys in his imaginary world.  He plays well with others and can be perfectly content playing alone. He's very creative and currently likes drawing and creating abstract art (by rearranging his toys to represent other things etc.). He thrives with compliments and likes to know someone is always nearby. He's the perfect middle child that this family needed. 

He still loves all things garbage truck, school bus, and rescue vehicles. In fact, his party theme today was "school bus!" 

He chose apples, Oreo Thins, and Ritz crackers for party snacks in addition to his cake. 

We played inflatable bowling...

And tic-tac-toe / checkers...

And bean bag toss! 

For birthday dinner, he chose takeout pizza. We had a great day!

Happy Birthday, Noah! I love you! And I love being your mommy! I'm so glad God created you & put you in this family. I pray you seek Him earnestly & always. His way is best. Always keep your spunk and your joy. These things are so uniquely "you." Love, Mom

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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