
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 23, 2022

We Did It! (House Selling)

Yesterday, Aaron & I closed on selling our house. I previously wrote about the listing process and of how quickly we received an offer on our home. We spent the next month clearing out the house & shop preparing to store most of our items while we live in my parents' home. 

Initially our closing date was set for this past Monday and we were told the buyers wanted to do their final walk through on Good Friday. Aaron took that week off of work to make sure the house was ready. My parents helped out a ton as well. While Aaron was loading up the truck on Thursday afternoon, he realized the buyer was driving super slowly around our street and eventually stopped to talk to him & ask if they could start moving in last weekend (prior to a closing date of Monday). He appropriately told her no and that they wouldn't possess the house until after they signed the papers at closing. I informed our realtor of this weird interaction when I emailed her to say the house was cleared out. She responded that evening to say that we were correct not to allow them to move in early and that the buyers' agent said they weren't going to come look at the house until the day of closing, which was still set for the 18th. This was slightly annoying because Aaron & my parents had worked so hard on clearing out the house to prepare for a Good Friday walk through. But it ended up being okay because the weather on Easter weekend was super rainy and it would have been so stressful to try to get the house emptied out in the rain. 

On the afternoon of Good Friday, things started to fall apart a little bit. Turns out, my mortgage company hadn't sent in my payoff amount. In addition, the appraisal for the buyers had a typo and had to be fixed by the appraiser and wouldn't be ready for a Monday closing. My realtor told me I'd need to call the water & power company to make sure they didn't terminate my water & power on Monday.  I tried to call those companies but it was already 4:45. In the afternoon. On a Friday. Good Friday. In the deep South. 

No one was open, or if they had been, they sure weren't going to answer their phone at 4:45 on Friday afternoon. 

Therefore I thought about the stress of calling those companies all weekend. On Monday morning at 7:30, I called both companies. They both told me the orders were already sent out to terminate service but they'd try to reach out to their servicemen to stop the termination.  It was two hours later until I heard for sure that both services were able to stay on for the foreseeable future.

I reached out to my mortgage company via phone call, email, and phone call again. Within a few hours of that communication, I received the response I needed and I forwarded that to the attorney's office. 

By that afternoon, our realtor told us the corrected appraisal came through, but we had to wait a minimum of three days before we closed. Later that evening we received word that the closing was scheduled for Friday at 4pm. 

On Tuesday afternoon, the buyers asked if they could have a cleaning company come in on Friday morning to do a deep clean. We said no, and that we were uncomfortable with that until they possessed the house after closing. Our realtor agreed with that decision (which makes me certain that the buyers & their own agent must be new to the home buying process). 

The date of closing finally was yesterday and we made it! It feels SO nice to be finished with that leg of the journey. 

Now all of our attention can be focused on starting our next part of the adventure-- building a driveway!

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

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