
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Quick Savannah Trip

Over the past few years, my college roomies & best friends get together once a year for a family trip. This year was the first year I could go! We scheduled this trip on purpose for the 3rd week of July so I'd be on summer break but not the 4th week of July where I'd be stressed about the start of the new school year. I thought this was so considerate! 

Although everyone brings their kiddos & sometimes their spouses, I decided to make it a trip for just Aaron & myself. My kiddos love grandparent sleepovers and they already had one scheduled with my mother in law for the first weekend of the trip. Since we're living with my parents right now, it was easy for them to be able to watch the kiddos the rest of the time. Aaron & I planned to stay from Saturday til Wednesday so Aaron could return to work on Thursday. 

Then I decided we needed to use part of this trip to drive up to Maryland to see my grandma whom I haven't seen since before Covid. So we planned to go to Savannah on Saturday, drive to Maryland on Sunday, stay with my grandma til Tuesday then drive back to Savannah and come home on Wednesday. 

Everyone was excited. 

Then I had the doctors appointment where I learned I needed surgery & the Monday of the trip was the only open surgery date. 

So Aaron & I had to revamp our plans. Since the kids were going to my mother-in-law's on Friday night we decided to drive halfway to Savannah and stay in a hotel. We finished our drive on Saturday in time to pick one of my besties up from the airport that morning. Then she and Aaron & I hung out in historic downtown all day (walking 17000 steps!) before going to the rental house & meeting up with everyone else. We hung out at the house the rest of the night & Aaron and I headed home on Sunday morning. We got back home around 4:00pm in time for me to start my prep for surgery. 

It was important to me that I was able to see my friends while they were in driving distance. I really enjoyed my 24 hour trip & look forward to next year's adventure. I hardly took any pictures but I have great memory reels of this special time. 

Until Next Time,

Much Love, Reba

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