
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Sayings of my Children

These are fun to look back on. Here's the latest set! 

A: I know how they make chalk. Chocolate-- break it into pieces. Choc-o-late. See? Choc!

A: Grown-ups kiss because they think it's lovely.

A: how do airplanes turn? The pilot? Snacks? I don't know.

(Avery handed me a flower top stuck in a bottlecap with some dirt)
A: remember to water it to stay healthy!

Me: what do you want for dinner?
A: a Hamburger
Me: what do you want on it?
A: Ketchup
Me: (hands her a Hamburger with Ketchup)
A: agh! I didn't want meat on it!

My mom telling me about preparing lunch for my 5 year old nephew.
Mom: Do you want a peach?
W: Yes but in slices with the soft off. (Meaning the peach fuzz. So cute!)

N: what's that country that starts with a G where they speak German?

(In the song Cornerstone it says "even when the night sky comes")
A: who's the "nice guy"?

A: (sitting on my bed in a modified 'criss cross applesauce' position) what shape am I making?
Me: a trapezoid
A: I'll give you a hint. It has "vay" in it.
Me: um, I don't know.

A: Mom! You wanna know the best part about me? When a grown up stands up- a dad or a mom- I can touch their shoulder!

A: your room smells good! It kinda smells like popcorn

(A text from my mother in law one day when I was working in the office building & she was watching my kids.)
In case you ever wondered according to Avery you are stronger than Aaron because you "pick up the house" she's never seen it but you say it  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

(Looking at the sunset)
A: wow! It looks so cool! I wish I could be the sky! Then I could change colors!

Me: do you mean USA?
A: I've never heard of that in my life.
Me: United States of America.
A: ohhhh! It makes so much more sense now.

Me: you don't celebrate Diwali?
A: who even is wally?

Avery: (unloading dishwasher- holds up a Gingerbreadman cookie cutter) I don't know where this goes so I'll put it up here on top of the bread. So fluffy. Here. Take a rest.

Avery: (when singing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen) covered in joy, covered in joy! Oh tidings of covered in joy!

Noah: Why does your bathroom have 2 sinks?
Aaron: two people get ready in there.
Noah: but there's only one toilet.

Avery: you know that song that says "sin has lost its power"? That's wonderful news!

(While playing a game where we have to name foods from all letters of the Alphabet)
Avery: B! Botato
Me: that starts with p.
Avery: No, bo-tato. Oh.

Me: do I need to help you fix your shirt drawer?
A: yep. The shirts in there are all crankied up.

(After tasting my very sour loaded tea)
A: Oh my! I can't feel my ears!

Avery: are you my umbrella?
Michael: Do you mean abuela? No, I'm not your grandma. 

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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