
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Day in the Life

On Tuesday of last week, we had a "snow day," meaning that they predicted the weather would be bad enough that it would cause unsafe driving conditions for the school buses to safely get children home.  We have a lot of dirt roads in our county which can be quite difficult to maneuver in ice and snow.  So, school was out for the day and although we got about three minutes of snow flurries, we had no accumulation.  But better safe than sorry. 

I figured this shirt was appropriate for the day.

Avery spent part of her morning grilling some corn and eating some hot dogs.

Michael and Noah played very politely in their room, and although it's a mess to beat all messes, I am learning to let it be.  No one was shouting or rough housing, which is a great treat!  PS, their room never looks like this at bedtime.  One of their daily chores is to clean their room before bed so that Aaron and I don't step on toys in the middle of the night as we come in to administer insulin, correct low blood sugars, etc.

Akuna parked himself on his self-claimed bed and observed all the happenings.

I made chocolate chip cookies and yes, I let my sons have cookies and milk for lunch. 

My dad came over to help us fix our washing machine that had recently started to back up into our kitchen sink!  I'm so thankful for my dad's plumbing skills and for the tools he has to get these handy little jobs done.  The result at the end of the day was a washing machine that drained appropriately and stopped backing up into our sink!

We spent part of our day watching movies.

Then we had a rocking blood sugar day! 

Avery enjoyed her vegetable beef soup for dinner.  We'll call this the "Before" picture.

When she was finished with her soup, she got mashed potatoes.  We'll call this the "After" picture.

Michael was busy with some homework in between rounds of make-believe that he was Captain Underpants (hence the no-shirt look that he has going on here).

Avery was happy to greet that friendly baby in the phone!

My kids are such hams.

Yep.  All three were fascinated with seeing themselves.

Oh, and Michael lost a tooth at naptime on this day!  I remembered to take a photo at bedtime. This was the expression he gave when I asked him to smile wide enough for me to see his tooth gap. 

I told him he looked a little crazy, which made him laugh and I got these next shots which I love.

And then I forgot to document the rest of our night.  We put the kiddos to bed and then watched Project Runway or Person of Interest while eating a snack.  This is how we like to end most of our weeknights, although soon we'll be incorporating a thirty minute workout into our nighttime routine before our show and snack.

Until Next Time,
Much love, Reba

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