
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

New Sayings

Here's the most recent collection of sayings from Michael & Noah.  I collected these from about early December til now.

(After eating a cupcake)
Me: Noah, wipe your face with this napkin and then go wash your hands
Noah: I can wash them with my slobber

Noah: if we touch a fire, it will burn our finger
Me: so we never touch a fire
Noah: especially a hot one

Michael: it's 7:24. It's twenty four minutes past our bedtime. This is the best day ever!
Noah: yeah! It is! Because I had pumpkin pie, of course. And a donut.

Noah: what kind of candy is that?
Me: sea salt caramel
Noah: oh, I'd like to have a see saw camel. Can I?

(Discussing pokemon cards- which I am SO not good at, but randomly won a game once)
M: will you play pokemon cards with me?
Me: sure. I'm not very good though.
M: That's ok. Remember that one time when you played against me and Dad, you put us to toast!

(Asking for Christmas candy, as always)
Noah: what do we have?
Me: Reeses bells, Crunchy bells (aka Nestle Crunch), Butterfinger bells.
Noah: I think I would like a butterball. Yes, a butterball. (A few minutes later after eating it:) mmm! I taste the butter!

Noah: I had a dream about outer space and there was a hole in the floor where I could touch planet Earth. I wish that dream was true.

Michael: I have an idea. I'll put my money and you put your birthday money, then the rest of your money and this penny and we'll have enough dollars to go to the YMCA! Together!
Noah: yeah! With dad. And a grown up. 

Michael: mom, I have a huge stomach ache that might make me do the worst thing ever ever ever. It comes out of your mouth and it starts with an F. Frow up.

Michael: a cookie is just a flat cake!
Noah: with chocolate chips on them!
Michael: not all cookies have chocolate chips on them, Noah.
Noah: yes they do!
Michael: no they don't. Some cookies are peanut butter with no chocolate chips. Some cookies are oatmeal with no chocolate chips. Some cookies are Reeses cookies with only M&M's.

Until next time!
Much love, Reba

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