
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Through the Produce Department (ie, Baby P.2's Development Thus Far)

When I read sites that discuss the development of babies in utero, I like to know how big babies can be at each week of pregnancy.  It's a way to help me connect with my little one on the inside.  Although some of this is review for me, since I was constantly up to date on Michael's development during that pregnancy, I still like to know how big this new baby is, and what new developmental milestones have taken place. 

Although we waited quite a bit to announce our pregnancy publicly, I have been keeping track of this baby's development.  As the weeks progress, we graduate to bigger pieces of fruits and vegetables.  Here is a size recap so far starting from week 3&4 and ending up where we are this week, which is 21 weeks.

Weeks 3&4:  Poppy Seed
Week 5: Apple Seed

Week 6: Sweet Pea

Week 7:  Blueberry

Week 8: Raspberry

Week 9: Green Olive

Week 10: Prune

Week 11: Lime

Week 12: Plum

Week 13: Peach

Week 14: Lemon

Week 15: Naval Orange

Week 16: Avocado

Week 17: Onion

Week 18: Sweet Potato

Week 19: Mango

Week 20: Banana

Week 21: Pomegranate

Photo sources in order of weeks:  lookieloophotography365.blogspot.com, Glassjarsoupcompany.com, Youngbloodcoaching.com, Floridahillnursery.com, leanraspberryketone.com,  weelittlez.wordpress.com,  wisegeek.com,  tasty-dishes.com,  harvesttotable.com,  blog.johnstonhealth.org, healthylivingguy.com, parkseed.com, whatscookingamerica.net, onion-router.net, home.howstuffworks.com, tasty-dishes.com, jezebel.com, theguardian.com.
I will write a post soon about all of my pregnancy cravings so far, as well as a post describing Baby P. 2's development during this week of pregnancy.
Much love, Reba

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