
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Avery: 10 Months

Avery turned 10 months old on June 20th!

At her 4 month check up she weighed 13.1 pounds and was 24 inches tall.  She had her 6 month check-up in February where she weighed 15 pounds 10 ounces, and was 26 inches tall.  She is in the 50th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference.  She had her 9 month check up on May 21st and weighed 16 pounds 14 ounces and was 27 inches tall.  (A few days later, I had to take her back to the doctor for a separate issue and she weighed 17 lbs, 3 oz.)  She won't have another check-up until August when she's a year old. 

She doesn't like to hold still for a picture even if I'm super fast on the draw!  I had my finger on the button and said "Avery!" really quickly, and she still looked away before I got all 3 kids looking at me. 

Both boys love to entertain her!  Noah was pushing her across the living room in a bean bag chair the other week and she loved it so much!  It was precious!

Diapers: She is still comfortably in size 2, but we're down to our last sleeve of that size, so we'll be transitioning into size 3.

Clothing: Avery is in 9 month and 12 month clothing but can still comfortably fit into 6-9 month clothing.  I'm trying to get as much use out of her 6-9 month and 9 month clothing but I do find myself putting her in things that are 12 month just because they're different from what she's been wearing for the last several months!

One of her favorite things to do is to pull out clean folded laundry from the basket and toss it over her head behind her.  I only put the kids' clothes in this basket because the thought of having to re-fold all clothing for the 5 of us plus our towels, etc, makes me have a headache. :) 

Sleeping:  She's still not sleeping through the night.  She's taken the lead for "oldest baby to begin sleeping through the night."  Noah was sleeping through the night between 1 and 4 months old.  Michael was sleeping through the night at 9 months old.  So, Avery is currently behind the trend.  She's not even close to reaching the goal either.  She used to give me 5-6 hours at a time overnight but now it's 3 hours with an occasional 4 hour treat thrown in there for good measure.  Ay yi yi.  I'm so tired!  But I know the midnight snuggles will end before I'm ready and I'll miss them.  So I can't even be too disappointed about it.  

Feeding: She still eats baby food at lunch and dinner.  But we're including more "real person food" torn up into small pieces.  She likes everything we've put in front of her that she can pick up and feed herself.  She's tried ground beef, pieces of biscuit, a pancake, pieces of tortilla (see a trend?  Soft, chewable food.  Because I'm a scaredy cat).  When we put things in her mesh teether, she's not always a fan.  She liked watermelon, but not strawberry.  She likes blueberries and she really likes broccoli and vegetable soup pieces. 

Eating ground beef and biscuit:

Mobility:  She's still a really fast crawler!  Her favorite place to beeline is the boys' bedroom where all the off-limit toys are like Legos and tiny Pokemon characters.  She'll start heading down the hallway and if she turns around and sees that I'm following her, she'll put her head down and sprint-crawl as fast as she can to get to their room before I pick her up!  It's so funny!  She also LOVES to stand and can cruise along the furniture.  I don't think it'll be long before she's walking.  I'm guessing it'll happen before her first birthday. 

Habit:  She's our climber child.  We lucked out with Michael and Noah-- neither one of them were climbers.  Avery inherited the gene from somewhere, though, and she's set on getting what she wants, even if it means coming up with a way to climb from item to item to get there!  She'll crawl into her bouncy seat, then bounce for a couple seconds before standing up in it in an attempt to crawl onto the yellow chair to grab Michael's video game controller.  She's relentless too.  She's tried climbing onto the couch but can't quite get her leg high enough... yet.  She'll climb on me in order to grab the remote or my cup.  She's so so determined.  She doesn't want to sit in her walker anymore, but she'll stand up and climb on it to play with the toys on the tray. 

She's proud of herself for it, too. 

My 10-month photos of her are slim.  She refuses to just lie still for 3 seconds for a picture.  You will see that the amount of items she's holding increases the older she gets.  This is so I have a variety of things to hand to her to keep her distracted.  These are the best I was able to get.  

Oh, Avery, you bring such joy to everyone around you!  We love you so!

Until Next Time, 

Much love, Reba


  1. Cutie pie!! I just love her wild hair.

    1. Isn't it the funniest thing?!?! It's like a baby chick's hair. Super soft and fluffy.
