
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Running? Who is even writing this post?!

I have wanted to try the Couch to 5K running plan for a while, so a few weeks ago I jumped in! 

Now, I'm not sure why summertime in Alabama was the prime time to start (most of the time I feel like I'm running in a tea kettle) but it can only get better from here, right? 

It's hot out here! 

To my surprise, I am loving it! 

The running plan lays out a timed schedule for the week (how many minutes to run, how many minutes to walk, and how many times to repeat) and it basically alternates a day of running and a day of rest. I need to get better at incorporating strength training in my rest days. 

I am really enjoying this program and I look forward to the days when I can run. I turn on some music & run laps around my backyard. It takes about 30 minutes to complete a set. 

It's super, super hot in Alabama these days so I definitely feel like I've really made the most of my time during these workouts. 

Today marks the halfway mark of the plan and I'm pumped! I haven't signed up for a 5k, but I plan to continue to run (hopefully) every other day when I finish this program. 

Today it actually sprinkled pretty heavily during the run and then everything outside cooled down and smelled so fresh! It was so refreshing & a welcome break from the mugginess! Can't wait for Friday's run!

Until Next Time, 

Much Love, Reba

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