
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic seventh grader, my spunky fifth grader, my second grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Summer Fun, Part 2

We have officially gotten back to our school routine. I'm so excited for them and the great teachers and classes that they are with! I decided to make a wrap up post for summer, so of course my phone put them in backwards with the most recent ones first. 

So enjoy this review of our second half of summer in descending order. 

We took the kids to Auburn on their last weekend of summer. On our way home, we stopped at Buc-ees (of course) and Avery was elated to find Buc-ee himself ready for a photo op! 

Prior to leaving downtown, we stopped at Bitty & Beau's to try it out! Aaron & I went to the one in Savannah and were pumped when we found out that one was opening in Auburn. We will be loyal customers. We love their mission. 

And we braved the potential crowds (it was summer commencement day), and head to Toomer's Corner. We were surprised that it wasn't more crowded! 

Before we went to play putt-putt (no pictures because all three kids hated it since it was so hot), we stopped for lunch at an Auburn favorite, Momma Goldberg's! 

On one weekday after I finished work, my mom & I took the kids to the splash pad. Avery hadn't been able to go the last time. 

We caught our puppies doing their best porch naps. 

We went to an ice cream place with our church family one Sunday after service. 

I caught Noah and Avery being nice to each other, which is worth documenting! 

Avery participated in the summer dance program and got to be Water. The seamstress did her make up that day! So fun! 

Avery discovered Harry Potter and wanted to dress like Hermione one day. 

The boys enjoyed creating crazy car scenes on their computer game. 

We've had some knock out sunsets! 

And beautiful, bright garden blooms!

And Noah discovered a love of puzzles! 

It's surely been a fun summer! Can't wait to see what fall holds!

Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

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