
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Little Mirror Images

As kiddos grow up, I think it's so fun to watch their personalities form and change and develop into whom they're really going to be.

As soon as we found out that our first baby was a boy, I was so excited to think about how much he might be like Aaron!  Aaron and I didn't meet until we were 20-- so it's not like we grew up together and knew each other from elementary age.  Although I've seen pictures of him as a boy, I didn't get to know him at that age and stage.  He sure was a little cutie though!  So I was super super pumped to see how much our little boy might be like him. 

When we found out we were expecting another boy, we semi-hoped he'd have more of my personality since we were sure we wouldn't be having any more biological children.

When we found out we were expecting a girl this time around, we were both over the moon because our two little boys have definitely turned out to favor their dad in more ways than one, and we're excited to (hopefully) have a little girl who exhibits more of my genes. :)

Now that our boys are age 4 (nearly 5), and 3, their personalities are pretty much set and I've been thinking more recently about how they are essentially mini versions of their dad. 

Michael is an image of Aaron in these ways:
  • LOVES video games.  Uses them as a way to relax.  Aaron started playing video games around 3 years old, and Michael pretty much did too (although it was closer to 4 years old, really).  These two love to play games together in the evenings.
  • Loves pasta dishes
  • Has an imaginary friend named “Steve” and unbeknownst to him, Aaron also had an imaginary friend named “Steve” when he was about Michael’s age (4 to 5 years old)
  • If you tell Michael to stay off the tile floor, he will hold his foot over the tile and look you in the eye.  Aaron did this exact thing when he was Michael's age. 
  • Could sleep late on most days.  Michael might not admit it (just like Aaron) but he does love his sleep.  He might fight sleep (just like Aaron) but once he gets into his own bed, he's basically immediately asleep and could keep sleeping long after his little brother (or alarm clock, in Aaron's case) wakes him up. 

Noah mimics Aaron in the following ways:

  • Tip toes on tile floor.  Aaron did this as a child, and still does it now.  So we both thought it was incredibly funny and cute when Noah began doing this.  I don't even think he's trying to do so... it just comes naturally to him.
  • Doesn’t care what people think of him.  He definitely has the personality of Aaron where it takes a LOT to embarrass him.  I'm SO THANKFUL for this, and I hope it continues into adulthood just like it has for his dad.
  • Loves spicy dishes
  • Could easily pass up sweet food for savory food.  Aaron and Noah would rather have chips and salsa over a brownie any given day of the week.  Michael and I wouldn't think twice about inhaling the brownie and wanting another one. :)
  • Dance moves that come naturally.  Noah can definitely come up with silly dance moves and makes them work.  This is so Aaron. 
  • Skin tone (able to tan and keep it—must be the Native American in him).  He was the tannest little baby, and has basically kept that same golden skin tone since birth.  Aaron has a year-round tan even though he now works in an office setting rather than construction work outside.

Aaron is such a fantastic dad.  When he was a boy and people would ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up, his response was "a dad."  How sweet is that?!?  God totally put that desire in his heart and he's a champ at it!  When Michael was born, my Nana asked Aaron how he felt.  Aaron said "Complete."  That has stuck with my Nana since that day.  He's able to explain things to the boys (like how to zip pants, or why we can't tear pages out of books) in a gentle patient way and really get his point across.  I tell him frequently that I'm always amazed to listen to him explain things to them.  He gets down on the floor and wrestles with them nearly every night before bed.  He dances with them and makes up funny moves.  He sits on the floor and throws toy basketballs or soccer balls or footballs with them and they make up rules for what counts as points, etc.  He's super fantastic as his dad role and I LOVE watching him in his element.

Until Next Time,
Much love, Reba

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