
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Friday, February 17, 2012

12 Weeks

We are at 12 Weeks!  That means our first tri-mester is almost over!  Woo-hoo! 

(Photo credit: artprintimages.com)

The doctor has increased my thyroid medicine twice now, so hopefully that will be delivering some much-needed energy soon.  Throughout this first tri-mester, I've been the "early-to-bed party pooper."  We're talking 6:30-7:00 bedtimes, folks.

(Photo credit: wordpress.com)

The clock strikes, and I am out like a light. :(  I guess Little Baby P. has me workin' hard at providing a home for our growing Little Kiddle.

Baby Growth:

-This week, Little Baby P.'s eyes have moved to the front of the head.
-The ears are in place!
-The intestines are formed, but Little Baby P. isn't quite big enough to hold all of that in yet, so parts of the intestines are chillin' in the umbilical cord.
-Little Baby P.'s fingernails and toenails are forming.
-The chin and nose are more defined.
-The digestive system is busy practicing the contraction movements that will be a necessary action after birth when Little Baby P. gets to eat.
-Little Baby P. is practicing swallowing. 
-The bone marrow is busy making white blood cells, which will help fight off the germs that his or her future playmates choose to pass around. :)
-Little Baby P. weighs almost 1/2 ounce and is 2 1/2 inches long, which is the length of a Vienna sausage:

(Photo credit: wordpress.com)

And about the size of a large plum:

(Photo credit: freeclipartpictures.com)

My Cravings:

-Water (It just tastes extra good this week!  I drink around 4 cups just standing at the sink in the morning while I get ready for work!)
-Milk (Also just has a wonderful refreshing taste this week! Especially at breakfast to accompany my scrambled-egg sandwich or PB&J)
-Cran-apple juice
-Grape juice (which I don't have any of, but would like to go get)
-Apple slices (seems to be the perfect, crunchy snack)

Well, my nursery looks a lot like it did last week: a crowded guest room.  :)  We have not assembled the crib yet.  But we aren't in a huge rush either so that's good. :)

Aaron and I did go out last weekend and buy a stroller/car seat combo.  We decided to go ahead and knock out that purchase.  We felt it was imporant as parents to buy the crib and stroller/car seat ourselves.

Thanks again for all of your prayers for us.  We are continually excited about becoming parents!  Love, Reba

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