-milk: for obvious reasons
-chocolate milk: nighttime snack (good balance of carbs & protein)
-string cheese (free food)
-100-Calorie Greek yogurt containers. Great protein to carb ratio.
-jelly: to correct low blood sugar
-sugar-free jelly: for peanut butter jelly sandwiches
-whipped cream in the can. This is a low carb special treat to use as "frosting" on mini cupcakes or cookies
-diet sprite (referred to as "bubble juice")
-diet cherry 7up ("pink bubble juice")
-lower sugar instant oatmeal: his breakfast favorite
-100 calorie cookie packs (we pair half a cookie pack with chocolate milk for bedtime snack)
-reduced calorie bread (about 20g of carb per 2 slices. Perfect for sandwiches for toddlers)
-applesauce containers
-no-sugar added fruit cups
-goldfish crackers
-peanut butter
-ritz (both whole wheat and regular)
-regular sprite (for when he's sick and needs carbs in liquid form)
-fish sticks (a dinner favorite)
-sweet potato fries
-sugar free Popsicles (fun treat)
-regular Popsicles (if he's sick and needs carbs but can't keep food down)
This is just a glimpse of things you might find in our fridge. I often wonder when grocery shopping if other people notice the odd array of things we buy-- sugar-free, reduced sugar, and even the full-sugar & full-carb items. I wonder if anyone can tell that there's a type 1 diabetic in our midst.
Until next time,
Much love, Reba