
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Friday, June 28, 2019

Letting It Go

As I'm home with my kids this summer, I'm trying to be more focused on being intentional with my time when I'm with them and also furthering and encouraging imaginative play.  Sometimes this means letting them make harmless messes and waiting til they're really done playing before I jump in to tidy up.  This is really a lesson in letting go for me because my tendency is to immediately want to clean it all up.  But it's actually somewhat freeing when I leave the mess alone until they're really finished.

Here's some picture proof of what they've been up to.

They were making soup with "zests and seasonings."  Once Avery saw her brothers mixing and stirring, she was quick to join in the fun.

On this night, I needed to tend to the oven and stovetop quite heavily while making dinner, so I set Avery up in her booster seat with a yogurt and some shredded cheese so that she'd be happy & content as I did what I needed to do. I forgot that Noah had placed an entire deck of Go Fish cards on the table, and I also wasn't factoring in Avery's ever-growing reach. She got ahold of the cards and thoroughly enjoyed herself as she tossed them all around her chair. I chose to just go with the flow & let her fling cards since she wasn't harming anything and it was keeping her entertained while I needed her to be.

I'm more so writing this post so I can refer back to it at a future date when I might need a reminder to relinquish control. :)

Until Next Time,
Much Love, Reba

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