
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Friday, April 6, 2012

19 Weeks

We have made it to 19 weeks and are so thrilled to be almost halfway through the pregnancy!  :) 

Yesterday we had a doctor's appointment to include an ultrasound in which we found out whether Little Baby P. was a boy or a girl. 

So, without further ado, we proudly announce that Little Baby P. is .............................................................. (drum roll please)...................................................... .........................

A little boy! 

(Photo credit: 123rf.com)

This mommy-to-be was hoping for a little boy and I was very excited to see Little Baby P. is just that! :)

The ultrasound was so fun! 

To start, Little Baby P. was scrunched in the left side of the uterus and standing on his head with his knees tucked into his chest.  He would swing out his legs to kick, and quickly bring them back to the tucked starting position.  It was so cool to see him moving around!  He made us laugh because he has all this space to move around and stretch out and he chose to tuck himself into one little ball in the corner. :)

The ultrasound technician (who is fabulous and so friendly) had to work a little bit to get Little Baby P. to flip over so that she could get some better measurements of his head, femur (thigh bone), etc. 

It was within the first five minutes of the ultrasound that we found out Little Baby P. is a boy.  It was fun to complete the rest of the ultrasound knowing we have a son moving around in there! :)

We could see all four chambers of Little Baby P.'s sweet heart.  It took a few tries to be able to listen to the heartbeat since he was so active and kept moving around.  He's quite a busy little bee in there.  His heartbeat was a steady 151.  He's an active lil guy!

Once he rolled over, he brought his right hand up to his mouth.  Aaron said he was picking his nose, but I think he was sucking his thumb. :)  Towards the end of the ultrasound time, he started moving his hand away from his mouth and back towards it again. It was so cool to watch him play and move!

When we started the ultrasound, the ultrasound technician could see that Little Baby P.'s bladder was getting full.  By the end of the ultrasound, he had relieved himself. :)  There's a good amount of amniotic fluid for Little Baby P. to swim around in, and this is a good thing.  It means his kidneys are functioning well.

We could see Little Baby P.'s legs and tiny feet, and arms and little hands.  He sure looks like he'll be a sweet cuddle bug.  :) 

There are no problems that were seen on the ultrasound.  Little Baby P. is measuring at an appropriate length and cranium size for a 19-week old baby in the womb.   He weighs 10 ounces.  We are so thrilled that he is healthy!

Little Baby P. is around 6 inches long.  And if you're like me, you hear "6 inch" and think of a Subway sandwich!

(Photo credit: freesamplefreak.com)

He seems to have plenty of room to grow and play, which are his only responsibilities right now and I remind him of this each morning. :)

Little Baby P. has a very sweet profile and we can't wait to meet him in just a few short months!  Here's a sneak peek of our sweet little boy:

Little Baby P. is lying face up and looking toward the left.  See his little nose and lips? :)

The darker blotch in the chest cavity is his little sweet heart.  :)

This Week:
-Little Baby P. acquires more fat to keep him warm after he is born.
-Vernix, a white milky substance (kind of like yogurt) coats his skin to keep him protected from the amniotic fluid.
-Lanugo, which is a fuzzy hair substance, covers his skin underneath the vernix.  This keeps him warm while in the womb.

My Cravings:
-Salad.  Salad salad salad.  Has to have tomatoes! And preferably with honey mustard dressing. :)
-Grapes and apples are the fruit choices this week.
-Sweets :(  I'm trying to limit this category and I'm sure it's being heightened by the surplus of cooking to do around this Easter holiday.  Since I'm a self-proclaimed "not a very good cook" I bake desserts to take to all these functions, which in turn means that I have a lot of sweets at the house. 

We are so excited to share the news with you that we're going to have a sweet baby boy!  Thank-you for keeping us in your prayers! Love, Reba

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