
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Avery: 3 Months

Um, excuse me.  Where did the last 3 months go?

Avery turned 3 months old on November 20th. 

At her 2 month check up, she weighed 11 lbs and was 22.5 inches tall.  We don't have a 3 month check up, but she'll go back to the doctor in December for her 4 month check up.  I'm guessing she weighs between 12 and 13 lbs.

Clothing: Avery wears 3 month clothing, but will soon be in 3-6 months because of her length.  In fact, I dressed her in a 3 month footie pajama this last Saturday, and it's probably the only time she'll be able to wear it!  I waited and waited for her to fit into it, and I guess I might have been in denial earlier on about how quickly she was growing.  So I waited til she was 3 months old, and she's almost too tall for it!  Super sad.  But, at least she wore it for a day (actually, it's the footie pajama shown in the pictures below). :)  The 3 month clothing (aside from footie pajamas) are the perfect size right now for her width.  But her little legs are so long that it makes it hard to wear footie pajamas because it pulls the fabric nearly off of her shoulders.  She's got some seriously cute 3-6 month footie pajamas that I might just have to transition her into sooner rather than later.  Oh well!  I'm trying to soak up and enjoy every single moment with her since I know these stages go by way too fast!

Diapers: She's wearing size 2 diapers mainly because I used up all of our size 1 diapers and didn't want to buy any more.  Size 2's are obviously a little big, but they work.     

Sleeping: Avery sleeps great.  She's a good napper and a good nighttime sleeper. We've kind of gotten out of routine lately and she's been taking a nap from 6:30pm to around 8:00-8:30pm.  This doesn't bode well when I'm ready to fall asleep at 8:30 and she's ready to talk!  :)  But she does really well if I go to bed at 9:30 and lay her in her pack and play bassinet.  She'll chatter for a few minutes, but once I turn off the lamp, she's pretty quiet and goes right to sleep. 

Feeding: Avery still goes about 3 hours between daytime feeds.  Overnight in Maryland, she went 3 hours round the clock, but once we got back home she went 5 hours between nighttime feeds.  I let her go 5 hours at first last night, then I woke her for a feed 4 hours after that just so she'd be on the right schedule today during the daytime.  She takes 4oz in a bottle now when she's with my mother in law during the day.

Tummy Time:  We prop her up on us for her "tummy time."  She has excellent head control and is a nosey-body-- always wants to know what's going on around her. 

Habit: Avery rubs her hair with her right hand if she's laying down flat in her bassinet, or if she's being held with her head on the right side of my arms. She'll reach her little right hand up there and stroke her hair. It's the sweetest thing!

Aaron & I still just sit and stare at her in the evenings after the boys have gone to bed.  We just can't get over how cute she is and how blessed we are to have her in our lives!  

I love you, sweet Avery Kate!

Love, Mommy

Until Next Time, 
Much Love, Reba

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