
Welcome to a piece of our sweet journey of life. This blog is about our family life-- my husband, my type 1 diabetic sixth grader, my spunky fourth grader, my first grader little girl, and myself! Enjoy!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

14 Weeks

*Sorry for the blog delay... I fell asleep too early last night to write this week's blog* :)

With that being said, I'm actually more energetic than I have been in several weeks.  I can stay up until around 9:00 every night-- what an accomplishment! Last night was the exception... I fell asleep at 8:30. What a fun Friday night, huh?

I have been feeling energetic enough to have some friends over. On Monday, Aaron and I had two of our friends come over for dinner.  That was fun.  Hopefully, I'll be feeling up to doing that sort of thing more often now.

My tummy is big enough that I try to only wear maternity pants now.  I'm still not quite big enough to fully fit into most of my maternity pants (which is frustrating), but I do have three pairs of maternity pants that fit very well and I've been cycling those through my wardrobe selections for the week.  I attempted to wear regular pants on Monday and Tuesday-- which was a decision that left me very uncomfortable at work.  So, I'm back to wearing maternity pants and feel much more comfortable when I do so.

Little Baby P. and I will have a doctor's appointment this upcoming Thursday.  During this visit, the doctor will be able to listen to Little Baby P.'s heartbeat with the doppler device:

(Photo credit: heartbeatdoppler.net)

Dad will accompany me to this appointment since it's in the morning.  I will schedule my other doctors appointments for the afternoon so Aaron can come with me.  Hopefully, our April appointment will be an ultrasound appointment in which we'll find out if Little Baby P. is a boy or a girl. We are very anxious to find out the gender so we can start calling Little Baby P. by name.

This week, Little Baby P. weighs about an ounce and is three and a half inches long, which is nearly the length of a flip-phone:

(Photo credit: motorolaflipphone.net)

Or about the size of a large lemon:

(Photo credit: lemon-buy-back.com)

The "big stuff" (skeletal and organ development) are nearly finished, so Little Baby P. starts a period of rapid brain growth, fat buildup, and other "detail" work.

This Week Little Baby P.:

-Gets fingerprints!  Fingerprints are formed as Little Baby P. swims around the amniotic fluid. 
-The arms are in proportion to the tiny baby body, but the legs are still a little on the short side.
-Meconium (or Little Baby P.'s first poop) is building up in the intestines. 
-Little Baby P.'s nose, lips, and taste buds are formed.
-Lanugo (a fine, soft hair) is covering Little Baby P.'s head.  This will help keep Little Baby P. warm in the womb until he or she gets bigger and has more body fat.
-Little Baby P.'s muscle movements are more controlled and graceful this week.

My Cravings:

-This week I have craved sour things-- I have made lemonade a couple times at the house this week. I bought little cups of Italian Ice for a snack.  Aaron and I have tried nearly all the lemonade flavors that Calypso brand makes.  These flavors include Strawberry lemonade (which is my favorite), Southern Peach lemonade, Ocean Blue lemonade, Black Cherry lemonade, and Pineapple lemonade.  They satisfy my sour craving.

(Photo credit: costco.com)

-This week is the first week that I've wanted to eat ice cream.  I keep my calories in check by choosing the Chocolate Truffle Bar from the Skinny Cow brand.

(Photo credit: iateapie.net)

This week I hope to rearrange our guest room to look more like a guest room/nursery combo.  Hopefully, that means that the crib will get assembled and by next week's blog I can post pictures of our up and coming nursery!

We are still very thankful for all of the prayers! Please keep us in mind as we have a doctor's appointment this upcoming week.  We are praying for a strong healthy heartbeat for our Little Baby P.  Thanks for taking the time to read our blog this week.  Love, Reba

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